Association of Professional Compliance Consultants
The APCC is active in enhancing the professional standards of compliance consultants and is recognised as a trade body by the FCA and other regulators. This provides our members with significant benefits in terms of direct access to the Regulators as well as business leads. The APCC often works in conjunction with the FCA to pilot or test new initiatives, and we also provide with valuable feedback on specific subjects as requested by them.
Members also benefits from our regular forums, technical briefings and interaction with other members. Members’ are listed on the APCC website Directory which can produce potential new business for them and publically confirms their commitment to our professional standards. We also receive direct referrals from the FCA which often leads to new clients for our members.
Our members come from all sectors of the financial services industry. Many firms specialise in a specific sector such as fund management or investment retail intermediaries, and, in a sign of the times, we are now very active in the Consumer Credit arena. Other members have cross sector capability and range from sole traders to the largest consultancies in the sector, all benefitting from the membership as part of the wider consulting community.
The APCC issues mailings on matters affecting compliance consultants, holds forum events to discuss topical issues in the compliance field and liaises with the FCA on these issues. We also have a LinkedIn group and Twitter which all provides constant access to a wide community of consultancy knowledge.
Through its affiliated firm service the APCC also provides support to other service providers involved in the regulated sector wishing to benefit from the APCC’s expertise and ongoing technical dialogue with the FCA.
The APCC is a not for profit company limited by guarantee. It has a board of directors who stand for re-election at least every three years. The Board of Directors is made up of representatives from member firms.
Board of Directors also appoints Working Groups to consider particular issues. These Working Groups are chaired by a representative appointed by The Board and the body of each Working Group is made up of representatives from member firms.
The Board of Directors admits compliance consultancy firms to membership where they meet the membership eligibility criteria, support the APCC’s Objectives and Principles and agree to comply with the APCC Code of Ethics, which include the APCC Professional Standards.
The APCC has the following Constitution
Our ConstitutionThe APCC has taken over from the original steering group which was sponsored by the FSA (now FCA) to provide a forum for compliance consultants and the (now) FCA to meet and discuss issues of joint interest. Membership of the APCC is open to compliance consultancy firms who support the APCC’s objectives and principles, agree to comply with the APCC Code of Ethics, which include the APCC Professional Standards, and meet its eligibility criteria. The APCC was formed with the following clear objectives and principles:
To foster and promote the professional standards of compliance consultants, within the financial services industry to enable our two, principal stakeholders (members and regulators) to successfully and effectively achieve their objectives.