16 Mar Protect Association
The Protect Association was originally formed in 1988 by a number of Uk Insurance underwriters . In 2010 its members voted in a new constitution enabling its membership to be available to any companies and individuals invloved in the UK Life Protection, and General Insurance markets and related products and services.
Since then the Protect Association has been a source of market and regulatory news and updates for its members via its website communications and events . Visitors and member’s guests are welcome to attend our events . We also have a Protect Association LinkedIn Group .
The Protect Association is not for profit unincorporated association which exists for the benefit of its members . Individual Members and Company memberships are available at £175 or £455 . It is not VAT registered.
The Protect Association has three primary objectives .
To provide its members with regulatory and market information and networking opportunities .
To encourage and provide liaison with regulators , key stakeholders, and other Trade Associations.
To ensure that the Protect Association will not facilitate nor condone illicit exchange of information.
Contact Steve Devine , Chair
T: 07870909105
E: steve.devine@protect-aci.org.uk
W: https://www.protect-association.org.uk/
T: 07870909105
E: steve.devine@protect-aci.org.uk
W: https://www.protect-association.org.uk/
T: 07870909105
E: steve.devine@protect-aci.org.uk
W: https://www.protect-association.org.uk/
T: 07870909105
E: steve.devine@protect-aci.org.uk
W: https://www.protect-association.org.uk/