03 Aug NextGen Planners Limited
Our vision is to empower the financial planning community to turbo-charge world class, inclusive, innovative and collaborative people and businesses 🚀
We do this by unearthing and untangling the biggest challenges in financial planning that prevent people and businesses from being world class.
Our values are:
– Quality Education 🧑🎓: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all financial planners.
– Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure💡: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable systemisation and foster innovation in financial planning.
– Reduced Inequalities 🤝: Reduce inequalities within and among the financial planning profession and actively strive for diversity and inclusion. To achieve our mission, we help financial planners with the following:
👍 The Community: A thriving, engaged community of financial service heroes that help each other grow and develop every day, alongside tons of valuable content and resources.
🎓 The NextGen Planners Training Contract®: Our award-winning training and development program helping financial planning business owners to grow and develop their team members through exam support and more.
🚀 Advice Stack: A growth accelerator program that helps financial planners grow, develop and scale their own businesses and become successful entrepreneurs.
Our profession can’t wait for change. We empower financial planners to be the change 🔥
T: 07801442784
E: contact@nextgenplanners.co.uk
W: https://www.nextgenplanners.co.uk/