Graeme Reynolds | Director of Competition |Financial Conduct Authority Graeme will be providing an update on the FCA’s work since the Consumer Duty rules were implemented and looking at the ‘good and bad practices’ they are seeing and how firms should adapt to ensure future compliance. Roger will discuss the new FCA rules and what this means for firms, as well as looking at greenwashing to genuine sustainability, including the labels, tools firms can use and techniques that should assist with the implementation of the new rules. Harvey Knight and Others | Withers Worldwide Withers will be providing an update on the Supervisory and Enforcement work that they have recently been working on as well as general regulatory horizon scanning. Chris Fitch | Money Advice Trust Chris will look to the future of work and regulation of consumer vulnerability in the UK, while sharing tools to meet the challenges and opportunities on this near horizon. Laura Dalrymple, Senior User Researcher and Richard Thompson, Lead Product Designer | Bank of England & Lauren Dixon, Regulatory specialist, Data & Digital Transformation, Transforming Financial Data Collections | FCA This panel session will provide an update on the current transformation of the Bank of England’s Statistical Reporting webpages using user centered design principles. As well as an FCA/Bank of England on their ‘Transforming Data Collections’ program. Nela Piaskowska | Nutrition Coach | Nutrinela FOOD & MOOD; Gut feelings: How what we eat affects how we work As part of our Wellness session, Nela will look the importance of us striking the right work/stress balance, and how nutrition plays a huge role in this. The right diet and approach to food is the fundamental start to a good working day. Mood, work out put and behavioural health issues often start with your diet. Make food your new medicine cabinet Tim Tyler, Vice President | The International Compliance Association (ICA) Navigating Compliance in a Volatile, Uncertain and Complex World No business takes place in a vacuum. Compliance is subject to a wide range of external drivers, constraints, opportunities and demands. This presentation will consider how this context is changing – in a way that has been characterised as volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Having explored the ‘VUCA’ context for our work we will unpack good practice in response to it in five key areas. Madison Reamsbottom | Head of Governance & Strategy | UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF) & Lee Coates OBE, Ethical Money and ESG Consultant Director, ESG Accord Ltd Sustainability disclosure and labelling regime This fireside chat will see Madison and Lee discuss 31st July 2024 changes enabling firms to use labels with accompanying disclosures, but also looking at the incoming changes on 2nd December 2024 when Naming and Marketing rules come into force with accompanying disclosures. Keith Richards |CEO | Consumer Duty Alliance Cross-sector Alliance and Consumer Duty Keith will be providing an update on the work conducted by The Alliance and what they are seeing in the Financial Services sector since Consumer Duty was implemented and how this reaches far beyond the rules themselves. Julie Ampadu, APCC Chair | Mel Holman, APCC Director | Mateo Jarrin Cuvi & Marios Siathas from The Association of Governance, Risk and Compliance (AGRC) This panel session will update the membership of our new compliance consultancy qualifications specially designed for APCC members. MANY THANKS TO ALL OUR AMAZING SPONSORS IN HELPING US DELIVER THIS EVENT!!