Book Your Place At Our Not To Be Missed Virtual Conference!

In light of the current situation, and to safeguard the health and well being of our delegates, we have taken the decision to move our 8th October 2020 Autumn conference to a virtual online event. Our fantastic speakers have all agreed to support us with this, and we have the same amazing agenda, plus a few more industry experts! The conference will now be held via Zoom over 2 morning sessions running on 16th and 17th September 2020…. Click here to view the agenda so far.

You will still be able to network with fellow consultants at the end of each day, and ask real time questions during the presentations, so it provides the same fantastic opportunity to ‘talk to the regulator and other industry stakeholder’.  The speakers will address the fast evolving landscape  and challenges we are facing in our industry.

As before, you will receive full CPD for the events, a delegate bag of conference goodies and a copy of the speakers slides after the event.

Book your place now by clicking here!