Association of Professional Compliance Consultants

The body for compliance consultants who advise firms regulated in the UK.

The APCC is active in enhancing the professional standards of compliance consultants and is recognised as a trade body by the FCA and other regulators. This provides our members with significant benefits in terms of direct access to the Regulators as well as business leads.  The APCC often works in conjunction with the FCA to pilot or test new initiatives, and we also provide with valuable feedback on specific subjects as requested by them.

TH Risk Solutions Limited

TH Risk Solutions is a Governance Risk and Compliance consulting business specialising in providing clients with technical subject-matter expertise, and support with their compliance and regulatory risks.

Our clients include established companies that require a degree of interim support with a regulatory change event (such as seeking regulatory approval), through to start-up and Fintech businesses who are experiencing a regulated environment for the first time. We have grown a reputation as being a true “trusted adviser” providing much-needed coverage of GRC needs, freeing our clients to develop their strategic objectives.

Suite G003, Knightrider House, Knightrider Court, Maidstone, Kent
ME17 6LU
T: 07595 977441
Services Offered
  • Authorisation
  • Bespoke Processes/Procedures
  • Business Development/mentoring
  • Complaints Handling/Reviews
  • Compliance Auditing/Due Diligence
  • Compliance Support
  • Compliance Training
  • Contract Services/Interim Locum Support
  • Enforcement Action Support
  • Financial Crime /AML
  • Governance
  • Regulatory Returns
  • Regulatory Updates
  • Risk Assessment /Management
  • Supervisory Support /Monitoring /Assessment
Firms Served
  • Crypto/AML
  • EU/International firms