Association of Professional Compliance Consultants

The body for compliance consultants who advise firms regulated in the UK.

The APCC is active in enhancing the professional standards of compliance consultants and is recognised as a trade body by the FCA and other regulators. This provides our members with significant benefits in terms of direct access to the Regulators as well as business leads.  The APCC often works in conjunction with the FCA to pilot or test new initiatives, and we also provide with valuable feedback on specific subjects as requested by them.


At Signature, our goal is simple – to provide the best regulatory and business support to large IFA, discretionary and wealth management firms. We achieve this through our client centric consultancy approach that starts with getting to know our clients and their business. Through this unique approach we are ideally positioned to design a personalised consultancy solution that assists with the design, documentation and implementation of a complaint and efficient discretionary investment process.

As part of the SimplyBiz Group, a market leader in the provision of FinTech and support services to the retail financial services market, our service is bolstered by the support of a team of industry leading compliance experts - enabling us to provide an unrivalled level of regulatory expertise and support to our clients. Furthermore, our service offers our clients access to some of the most cutting edge FinTech products in the market. These services, combined with our wealth of compliance approved documentation, easy-to-digest regulatory guides and access to industry leading tools and technology, provides the ideal opportunity for firmsto deliver consistently better client outcomes.

T: 01484443431
Services Offered
  • Authorisation
  • Complaints Handling/Reviews
  • Compliance Auditing/Due Diligence
  • Compliance Support
  • Compliance Training
  • Contract Services/Interim Locum Support
  • Data Security/Protection
  • Documentation
  • File Reviews
  • Financial Crime /AML
  • Governance
  • Regulatory Updates
Firms Served
  • Building Societies/Friendly Societies
  • Discretionary Fund Managers
  • General Insurance
  • IFAs
  • Investment Managers
  • Mortgage Brokers/Lenders